The Modern Stage of Development of the Faculty of Corrections
In the structure of the faculty of corretions there are training and combat units, which are headed by the heads of the courses and their deputies. The educational process is provided by the Departments of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The department of Penal law (profiling) is a part of the faculty structure. In order to strengthen the practical component of the training, practical training is conducted in the basic organs and institutions of the Penal system.
In carrying out the ideological work, the main efforts of the faculty staff are aimed at fostering cadets with a sense of duty and respect for the chosen profession, raising the level of official and personal culture, familiarizing them with traditional values, and healthy lifestyles. Excursions to historical and cultural complexes are conducted, concerts and amateur art competitions are organized, timed to important dates, events dedicated to the foundation day of the faculty and the day of the department of penal law.
Cadets in the lecture groups attend general education institutions, report on legal topics, conduct preventive work among students on the prevention of crime and crime.
Together with the Department of Penal Law, the cadets participated in the international scientific and sports festival "Pskov Veche" and the international week of creativity of cadets and students of the FSIN of Russia "Vivat, cadets".
According to the results of educational and service activities for the first half year, the best course of the faculty of corretions by order of the chief of the Department for the Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is handed over a prize in the name of Major-General V. Koshelenko.